Journal Description

Jurnal Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (ISSN 2798-7183 and E-ISSN 2798-6705) published by Social Health Insurance Administration Body (BPJS Kesehatan Republik Indonesia) since July 2021.

This journal is a forum to accommodate the ideas and thoughts of Duta BPJS Kesehatan, as well as the other parties who have high concern and awareness to develop the sustainability of the Social Health Insurance Program through scientific research and development.

Greetings From
The CEO of BPJS Kesehatan

Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc., Ph.D, AAK

Praise be to Allah SWT, God Almighty, for His abundance of grace and gifts so that the JKN BPJS Health Journal web portal can be completed properly just as BPJS Kesehatan celebrates its 53rd Anniversary. I give our highest appreciation to the entire team who have worked well together so that this web portal can finally be launched. JKN Program has become a strategic government program that has great benefits and positive impacts for the community, especially in terms of opening access to health services for the community.

In a fairly short period, the JKN program has grown rapidly with membership coverage that has reached more than 200 million. This large number of participants makes JKN Program the largest health insurance program in the world which is implemented through a single-payer institution approach.

With a large number of participants and the great benefits of this program for the community, issues related to the JKN Program have always been interesting things to research and discuss, both by experts, academics, health insurance observers, and various related parties. In addition, there are not many countries that have characteristics of implementing health insurance such as Indonesia, so research journals related to the implementation of the JKN Program are interesting and become material for sharing information as well as learning materials and as an input for us to be more optimal in implementing the JKN Program.

Therefore, BPJS Kesehatan launched the JKN Journal web portal as a means of sharing knowledge of the JKN Program through the publication of BPJS Kesehatan’s scientific journals, both nationally and internationally. The launch of the JKN Journal web portal is proof that BPJS Kesehatan is always open to research results, conceptual ideas, and academic studies related to the JKN Program.

The JKN Journal web portal is expected to become a repository for BPJS Kesehatan’s employees to store journals related to the JKN Program. Moreover, it is hoped that this web portal can improve the literacy of BPJS Kesehatan’s employees regarding the implementation of the JKN Program and foster a culture of reading and writing articles or scientific journals.

Finally, we hope that this web portal can become a source of data and information for various parties to be used as a basis for policymaking which will ultimately become input and improvement for the sustainability of the JKN program in the future.

Jurnal Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional
Volume 4, Number : 1
June 30, 2024
Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional

Published: 30 December 2024

Implementation of the National Health Insurance Programme in Achieving Universal Health Coverage in Indonesia

85 - 95 Muhammad Youri Alkayyis

Beyond Immediate Needs: An Analysis of Social Insurance and Its Behavioral Economic Impact in Indonesia

96 - 108 Ucca Bhanuwati Astutiningtyas Palupi

Evaluating Primary Care Providers' Compliance with Special Capitation in Indonesia's National Health Insurance

109 - 121 Rahma Anindita, Ari Dwi Aryani, Rahmad Asri Ritonga, Aditya Darmasurya, Tedo Arya Trisnanto, Pranatawati Nur Tsani, Bayu Yudanto, Trisnasari Trisnasari

The Creation of Health Content on Social Media to Attract Public Interest in Health Literacy

122 - 132 Mohammad Ali

Marketing Mix Strategy of Mabarrot AlMustasyfa Clinics in the Era of National Health Insurance

133 - 143 Ucy Nur Hamida Al Abrori, Zhafira Ramadhani Arimurti, Andriana Putri Wijaya, Ernawaty

Utilisation of Hospital Outpatient Services by Diabetes Mellitus Sufferers, Analysis of BPJS Kesehatan Sample Data

144 - 159 Erfan Chandra Nugraha, Pujiyanto Pujiyanto, Vetty Yulianty Permanasari

Referral Healthcare Services and Efficiency of Indonesian Health Insurance on Patient Satisfaction and Life Quality

160 - 175 Muhammad Alfarizi, Rafialdo Arifian, Lissa Rosdiana Noer

Sentiment Analysis of National Health Security Mobile Application Review Using Machine Learning

176 - 188 Deta Novian Anantika Putra

Effectiveness of Installment Payment Plan Program through Face-to-Face Service Channels and Non-Face-to-Face Service Channels

189 - 201 Enggartyas Bagaskara, Fenny Fathiyah

Improving Health Clinic Performance through the Role of Entrepreneurial Leadership and Dynamic Capabilities

202 - 213 Chandra Nurcahyo

Medical Audit of Hemophilia Services for National Health Insurance Participants in Bogor: A Case Report

214 - 226 Marselly Pharadiba, Wildan Zayyin Taufiq, Jenal M. Sambas, Rizal Ashari Nampira

Factors Affecting Participation in the Regional Government-Subsidized National Health Insurance on Sumba Island

227 - 239 Angela Yunita Tanggu Bore, Ngakan Bagus Danip Pradipta

Reform of the Calculation of Premium Contributions for State Administrator Participants

240 - 250 Ar Razaq Subhan Jath, Widhy Arvita, Muhammad Isrok, Manda Ananda Doly Siregar

Effectiveness of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Management in Prolanis Participants at the BPJS Kesehatan Sibolga

251 - 268 ester sitompul, Firdaus Hafidz As Shidieq
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