The publication of JKN Journal is driven by a noble goal, namely our endeavor, BPJS Kesehatan, to accommodate the ideas, ideas, and thoughts of bpjs kesehatan ambassadors, as well as other external circles, both academics and practitioners, to develop studies on National Health Insurance.

To ensure the quality of research and studies, JKN Journal is deliberately limited by the focus and scope that we have determined, namely analysis around health care guarantees, membership expansion management, membership management, and dues collection management. To complement and enrich the focus and coverage, we also add specific issues related to stakeholder engagement, as well as the development of human resources and infrastructure related to the implementation of the National Health Insurance

In this inaugural edition of JKN Journal, all articles published come from internal bpjs kesehatan circles. These articles are mostly academic research and reviews conducted by BPJS Kesehatan ambassadors as a reflection of responsibility, care, learning, and innovation in performing basic tasks and functions in their respective task forces.

The first article analyzes in depth about primary health services, both theoretically and practically, in an effort to find comprehensive solutions to support the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of the National Health Insurance Program. The important point to be conveyed in this article is that it takes an agreement on the definition and position of primary health services in view of its association with the National Health Insurance.

The second article highlights the recruitment process of business entities in bpjs kesehatan branch office in South Jakarta using Lean Six Sigma analysis tool. The application of Lean Six Sigma method in analyzing problems helped the research team to find a surefire solution, namely the use of telemarketing to the participants, so as to summarize the process and increase the number of participants.

The third article explores the problem of high referrals to hospitals so that it is considered to be the cause of high costs. The study by the authors produced a solution to implement a horizontal referral policy to reduce the number of patients referred to hospitals, while suppressing high funding figures

The fourth article is on the scope of membership management by raising the issue of excellent service in order to increase the loyalty of participants of the National Health Insurance Program. This article was created through empirical research in the author's branch office by measuring participants' response to administrative services provided by the branch office. The insight to be conveyed by the author is the importance of measuring the quality of services provided to beneficiaries as input materials to improve the quality of service in the future.

The fifth article discusses in depth the urgency of the application of inpatient standard class services in accordance with the principles of social justice as mandated by the SJSN Law. The study conducted by the authors found that all respondents agreed with the need for standard inpatient class service policies to be implemented, albeit with varying preferences

The last article discusses the author's endeavors in reducing the costs incurred by BPJS Kesehatan policy to provide guarantee of medical devices glasses as one of the additional benefits to the participants. As an innovation in the field of cost control, this article recommends a more effective and efficient guarantee flow in the hope that costs can be reduced, but not reduce the quality of guarantees.

We express our deepest appreciation to the authors as contributors of JKN Journal who have sent their articles to the editor. Hopefully the ideas and thoughts of these contributors can provide benefits in improving the quality of the National Health Insurance Program in the future.


Published: 29 July 2021

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